Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cho Oyu 8201 m (The Sixth highest peak in the world)

cho oyu

Unlike other attempts, the successful expedition to Cho Oyu had its origins in very simple circumstances. Cho Oyu is the easiest mountain to climb among the 8000 meters mountain. Cho Oyu lies 20 Km West of Everest, at the border between China and Nepal.  In Tibetan, Cho Oyu means “Turquoise Goddess” .
The first attempt to this mountain a was made by an expedition supported by a Joint Himalayan Committee of Great Britain as preparation for an attempt to Mount Everest the following year with Eric Shipton as team leader. Expedition also include Edmund Hillary, George Lowe, Charles Evants and Tom Bourdilon, but technical difficulties at ice cliff above 6650m forced them to give up a climb.
Finally on 19th October 1954 Tichy, Joseph Jochler and Pasang Dawa Lama climbed via the north ridge. The first Nepali to climb it was Ang Phuri Sherpa on 29th April  1987.