Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kanchanjunga Conservation Area

Total Area : 2035 sq km.
Buffer Zone : -
Activities :Treeking, mountaineering
Accommodation : Tea houses, Camping
Access : Fly to taplejung from kathmandu or Biratnagar
Best Season : Mar-May, Sep-Nov
Reserve Headquarter : Lelep , Taplejung
Contact : 025-53089

Kanchanjunga Conservation Area is situated in the north-eastern Nepal in the district of Taplejung , the Kanchanjunga Conservation Area is boardered by the Tibet-China in the north and Sikkim-India in the east and sankhuwasava district in the west. The area has alpine grasslands, low river valleys with temperate and sub-tropical forests. Ten spicies among Nepal's 20 indigenous gymnosperms and 15 among Nepal's 23 endemic flowering plants are found in this region. In addition almost 30 varieties of rhododendron spicies and 48 varieties of orchids are found here. Wildlife include endangered snow leopard, Himalayan black bear, musk deer, red panda, blue sheep and rhesus monkey. About 252 spicies of different birds including impheyan pheasant, reb-billed, blue magpie, shy drongo are found in the area.

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