Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mountains In Nepal

Nepal is a himlayan (Mountainous) Country. It contains lot of high mountains at it's northen phase. It is belived That himalaya was formed 50 milion years ago that, in geological time is considered recent. That is why the genetic chains of mountains are called youngest in the world and they are still rising.
        The mountains above 8000 metres are considered as highest peaks, there are total 14 eight thousandners mountains in this earth and all of thoose 14 eignt thousandners lie in asia. Among 14 Nepal has big share of eight. Which are Mt. Everest (8848m.), Kanchanjunga (8586m.), Lhotse (8516m.) Makalu (8463m.) Cho You (8201m.), Dhaulagiri (8167m.), Manaslu (8163m.) and Annapurna I (8091m.). Other Four lie in Pakisthan and on in china.
       Himalaya streaches 2400 km from east to west. Today himamalaya has become a natural boundary wall between Nepal and Tibet/China in the north and between Nepal and India in the east. The highest peak outisde Asia is the Aconcagua (6959m.) of the Andes in Peru, South America and the highest mountain in Europe is Mt. Elbrus which is significantly small of 5,643m.

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