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भेडेटार नेपालको पूर्वाञ्चल विकास क्षेत्र, कोशी अञ्चलको धनकुटा जिल्लामा पर्ने एक गाउँ विकास समिति हो। भेडेटार गाविसको भेडेटार बजार क्षेत्र पूर्वाञ्चलको रमणीय स्थलको रूपमा प्रख्यात छ। यो ठाउँ धरान नगरपालिकाबाट करिब १७ किलोमिटर उत्तरमा सुनसरी र धनकुटा जिल्लाको सिमानामा अवस्थित छ। भेडेटार समुन्द्री सतहबाट १,४३० मिटर उचाईमा पहाडी क्षेत्रमा अवस्थित भएकोले मानिसहरू तराईको गर्मीबाट बच्न चिसो वातावरणमा रम्न र पहाडी एवं हिमाली भेगको सुन्दरता हेर्न आउने गर्दछन। अझ भेडेटारको भ्यू टावर अर्थात चार्ल्सप्वाइन्ट यस्तो स्थान हो जहाँबाट सप्तकोशीको मनोरम दृष्य, पूर्वी तराईका फाँटहरूका साथै मकालु, कञ्चनजङ्घा, कुम्भकर्ण जस्ता हिमश्रृंखलाहरू एकैपटक हेर्नसकिन्छ।
पहाडको टुप्पोमा अवस्थित सानो सुन्दर भेडेटार बजार धनकुटा जिल्लाको दक्षिणी प्रवेशद्वार पनि हो। यहाँबाट धनकुटा सदरमुकाम ३६ कि.मी. दूरीमा रहेको छ। भेडेटारबाट पाँचथर जिल्लाको राँकेसम्मको निर्माणधिन सडक पूर्वतर्फगएको छ भने आहाले हुँदै वराहक्षेत्र जाने निर्माणधिन सडक पश्चिम तर्फगएको छ। उच्च पहाडमा रहेको वाह्रैमास चिसो हावा बहने हुनाले यहाँ गर्मी मौसममा शीतल हावा खान र जाडो मौसममा पिकनिकको लागि आउने मानिसहरूको भीड लाग्दछ। यहाँको चिसो हावापानी र मनोरम प्राकृतिक दृश्यावलोकनकालागि तर्राई क्षेत्र र भारतका गर्मी ठाउँहरूबाट पनि मानिसहरू आउने गर्दछन्। भेडेटारको शिरमा शैलुङ्गडाँडा नामक एउटा अग्लो चुचुरो छ। २०३८ सालमा वेलायतका युवराज चार्ल्स शैलुङ्गडाँडाको टुप्पोमा चढ्नु भएको हुदाँ यस डाँडालाई चार्ल्सप्वाइन्ट नामकरण गरिएको हो। चार्ल्स प्वाइन्टको संरक्षण तथा पर्यटकको सुविधालाई ध्यानमा राखी जिल्ला विकास समिति धनकुटाबाट डाँडाको टुप्पो सम्म पुग्ने सिंढी निर्माण पुरा भएको छ र दृश्यावलोकन टावर निर्माण भइरहेको छ। भेडेटारबाट नजीकै उत्तरपट्टी राजमार्गको "नमस्ते मोड" छेउमा रमणीय नमस्ते र्झना बगेको छ। भेडेटारबाट केही पश्चिममा ऐतिहासिक साँगुरीगढी (साँगुरी भञ्ज्याङ) रहेको छ। यातायात, सञ्चार र होटल, रेस्टुरेन्ट आदिको राम्रो सुविधा भएको भेडेटार पर्यटकीय महत्वको स्थानको रूपमा अझ विकसित हुदै जाने सम्भावना रहेको छ।

Dhankuta Bazaar

Dhankuta BazaarDhankuta  is a hill town of Nepal located along the geographical coordinates- 26° 59' 0" N / 87° 20' 0" E, with about 20,000 inhabitants, located in the Dhankuta District in the eastern part of Nepal. Until about 1963 Dhankuta Bazaar (the town) was the administrative headquarters for the whole of north-eastern Nepal. Located a half mile above the town were the buildings of the Bada Hakim, the feudal district governor of the whole north-eastern region, a man with enormous power. The town also had the regional jail and army post. Because of Dhankuta's isolation from the lowland Terai and from Kathamandu, it was in many ways a self-governing area.

From 1963 Nepal was divided into 75 Panchayat Districts, and the traditional Dhankuta administrative region was divided up into about six of the panchayat districts. The power of the Bada Hakim was transferred to the central government's appointed Panchayat Development Officer and each district's elected Panchayat President.

Now there is a sharp contrast between Dhankuta Bazaar and the surrounding rural villages. The town is a commercial center and has a population that is primarily Newar. The surrounding area is agricultural and the population is made up of many caste/tribal groups, notably Magar, Rai (Aathpaharias), Limbu, Tamang and Tibetan.
Dhankuta Bazaar, on the North-South Koshi Highway, is now the administrative headquarters for the Eastern Development Region, and is home to a number of offices for NGOs and aid agencies serving in the area. The large bazaar of Hile further up the road, is an important trading centre and major road head, serving the remote hinterlands of the Arun valley and Bhojpur. Villagers walk for many days from surrounding districts to trade in Hile and Dhankuta bazaars, although road building in the district may reduce the importance of these centres. The vegetation zones in the district range from sub-tropical Sal forest along the Tamur and Arun rivers, and cooler temperate forests on some of the high ridges that mark the watershed between the two catchments. The altitude ranges from around 300m to 2500m. The majority of the population are involved in agriculture and crops include maize, rice and millet. Important cash crops include citrus fruits, cauliflower, cabbage, ginger, and in recent years, tea. A well-preserved forest (Rani Bhan - Queen's Forest) spreads along a ridge line on the northwest side of the village, with well-developed mature stands of rhododendron and pine trees.

Dhankuta District

Map of dhankuta District
The district covers an area of 891 km² and has a population (2001) of 166,479. Dhankuta Bazar is the district headquarters and a major administrative region in the Eastern region. The vegetation zones in the district range from sub-tropical Sal forest along the Tamor and Arun rivers, and cooler temperate forests on some of the high ridges that mark the watershed between the two catchments. The altitude ranges from around 300m to 2500m. The majority of the population are involved in agriculture and crops include maize, rice and millet. Important cash crops include citrus fruits, cauliflower, cabbage, ginger, and in recent years, tea. A well-preserved forest (Rani Bhan - Queen's Forest) spreads along a ridge line on the northwest side of the village, with well-developed mature stands of rhododendron and sal (pine) trees.

Introduction To ilam district

Ilam distric is one of the seventy-five districts of Nepal, The district, with the town of Ilam as its district headquarters, covers an area of 1,703 km² and has a population (2001) of 282,806. It is about 600 km from Kathmandu. The highest point is Sandakpur with an elevation of 3000m. Ilam attracts many researchers who come to study rare birds and tea estate. Ilam stretches from the Terai belt to the upper hilly belt of this Himalayan nation.
The name Ilam is derived from the Limbu language in which "Ii" means twisted and "Lam" means road. Ilam was one of the ten self ruling states of Limbuwan before the unification of Nepal, its ruler King Hangshu Phuba Lingdom of Lingdom dynasty ruled Ilam as a confederate state of Limbuwan until 1813 AD. The treaty between the other Limbuwan states and the King of Gorkha (Gorkha-Limbuwan Treaty of 1774 AD) and the conflict of Gorkha and Sikkim led to the unification of Ilam with Gorkha. Ilam was the last of the ten kingdoms of Limbuwan to join the union of Nepal. The King of Gorkha gave the ruler of Ilam full autonomy to rule and the right of Kipat. Ilam was an independent Limbu kingdom until 1813 CE/1869 BS.
Ilam is today famous in the world for tea production. Its ILAM TEA is very famous and is exported to many parts of Europe. The main source of income in this district is tea, cardamom, milk, ginger and potato.
This place also has a religious importance. The devi temples have a great importance attached to them and many people come here just for pilgrimage.
The major attraction of Ilam is the 9-cornered Mai Pokhari lake. Also known as the abode of the goddess lots of tourists as well as Nepalese people come to visit this lake. Mai river and its four tributaries also emerge in Ilam district. The famous Mane Bhanjyang (Mane pass) connects Ilam with Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India.

Pathivara Devi Temple - Taplejung District

pathivara devi temple

One of the major attractions of Taplejung is the Pathivari devi Temple. This little known region attracts tourists seeking spiritual fulfillment and blessings from the powerful  Pathivari devi . Hindus as well as Buddhists reach the temple for celebrations during special occasions. The trek to Pathivari devi (3794 m) combined with the natural and cultural experiences of the region make the visit a unique exhilarating experience. It takes a single  day to reach the temple of Pathivara on foot from Taplejung Bazaar. On the way to the temple one can find many species of Rhododendron (लालीगुराँस). The shrine of the Pathibhara Devi temple is located on a mountain at 3794 meters in the Far East of Nepal. The temple is holy for Hindu's as well as Buddhists.
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